Specialists in high-quality concrete forced mixers

Velkommen til BAMA: tvangsblandere, beton blandemaskiner & QUICKMIXERE

BAMA er en familieejet virksomhed der har eksisteret siden 1974 og vi har mange års erfaring i udvikling, produktion og salg af tvangsblandere / concrete mixers.

Vore tvangsblandere fremstilles i flere størrelser og varianter fra 40 – 2000 liter, og vores blandemaskiner eksporteres til mere end 50 lande fordelt på 6 verdensdele.

BAMA har i løbet af de sidste år udviklet og produceret en ny serie tvangsblandere / concrete mixers, som vi kalder QUICK MIXERE. Vi kan producere QUICK MIXEREN fra 40 – 800 liter.

Our QUICK MIXER series has a patented rotary mixer arm, which mixes 3-4 times faster than the forced mixers / cement mixers known from most construction sites.

BAMA QUICK MIXER series is well suited for self-leveling floor putty, mortar, tile adhesive and concrete for floors, grouting etc.

BAMA Borup Andersens Maskinfabrik is a recognized and quality-conscious company

We have a good and solid production of high quality forced mixers and concrete mixers.

All our mixing machines can be produced in the color the customer wants, and should there be special wishes for shape or materials, then it can also be solved according to the customer’s needs and wishes.

Contact us

Do you have any questions or comments? We are always ready to help you.